ARCHIVE. Note this is an archived page. Information here relates to the 2015 festival and may not be relevant to the upcoming festival.

The fourth annual


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European Film Festival, Kilkenny. 23–29 November 2015

ARCHIVE. Note this is an archived page. Information here relates to the 2015 festival and may not be relevant to the upcoming festival.

You are here: Home » Festival Programme » Films » Ida

Ida Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski

  • Poland, Denmark, France, UK
  • 82 mins
  • 2013
  • Drama
  • Black and White

18:45 Wed 25 Nov 2015 Cleere’s €7/€6 EXPIRED

22:00 Thu 26 Nov 2015 Cinemobile €10/€9 EXPIRED

  • IDA 1
  • IDA 2
  • IDA 3
  • IDA 4
  • IDA 5

Director: Pawel Pawlikowski
Original Title: Ida
Language: Polish

Main Cast: Agata Kulesza, Agata Trzebuchowska, Dawid Ogrodnik

Pawel Pawlikowski has directed an Oscar-winning masterpiece with Ida and for those of you who haven’t seen it in the cinemas, this is one of the must-see films at the festival. A young nun in 1960’s Poland is on the brink of taking her vows when she discovers a troubling family secret at the time of Nazi occupation. It prompts her to take a journey, opening up a new world to her that challenges her strongly-held beliefs and values. Two outstanding performances dominate this film: Agata Trzebuchowska (‘Anna’) and Agata Kulesza (‘Wanda’). Frame for frame, this is truly great filmmaking.

The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw gave the film ★★★★★ and said it’s



“an eerily beautiful road movie”.

While the Telegraph’s Tim Robey also gave it ★★★★★ and called it

“perfect”; “Ida is an immaculate, miraculous masterwork”.

And the New Yorker called it

“A film masterpiece”.

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